Charles Oputa jnr. Opens shoes shop in Abuja

The Wuse area of the Federal capital territory oozes with some drooling aroma on Saturday, 6th November, 2012 when one of the most inventive and aesthetic shoes store was launched by the decent and resourceful son of the enigmatic Charlyboy, Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charles jnr.  The Retail Therapy store located in Banex plaza Wuse II is arguably a world class shoes store with no equivalence as far as the FCT is concerned.  Located at the last floor of Banex Plaza, the retail main feature is a lenticular wall formed by many vertical cubbies, communicating the standard with which it tends to serve its customers.  

Aesthetically and for some natural appeals, stocks are arranged in the most organized way for easy access by customers who will be trooping in to make their choices as different beautifully designed shoes and accompanied accessories form the available stocks in the shop.
The shop, according to the CEO is meant to play a dual role as it will also serve as lounge.
Speaking with the CEO, Therapy store, Mr. Charles Junior, he affirmed that his major aim of opening the shop was not for financial gains, but to make a statement that we all can take Abuja beyond its present standard.
“We can develop Abuja by ourselves without necessarily waiting for the Government, especially now that the world is moving at a jetlike speed. I have opened this shop just to open another phase of ideas for business men and woman in Abuja, that business can actually be transacted in the most relaxed and soothing way. That is why this place is like this’
Many customers who graced the opening of the shop on Saturday had confessed that Charle’s Therapy shop is obviously one of a kind in Abuja.  

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Unknown said...

Retail therapy is one of it's kind in Abuja

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